Duration: 2:30
Oh Ggive me a home where the Cbuffalo roam,
Where the Gdeer and the antelope Dplay,
Where Gseldom is heard a diCscouraging word,
and the Gskies are not Dcloudy all Gday.
HDome, home on the rGange,
Where the deer and the antelope pDlay,
Where sGeldom is heard a diCscouraging word,
And the Gskies are not Dcloudy all Gday.
Yes, Ggive me the gleam of the Cswift mountain stream
And the Gplace where no Dhurricane blows;
Oh, Ggive me the park where the Cprairie dogs bark
And the Gmountain all Dcovered with Gsnow.
HDome, home on the rGange,
Where the deer and the antelope pDlay,
Where sGeldom is heard a diCscouraging word,
And the Gskies are not Dcloudy all Gday.
Oh, Ggive me the hills and the Cring of the drills
And the Grich silver Dore in the ground;
Yes, Ggive me the gulch where the Cminer can sluice
And the Gbright, yellow Dgold can be Gfound.
HDome, home on the rGange,
Where the deer and the antelope pDlay,
Where sGeldom is heard a diCscouraging word,
And the Gskies are not Dcloudy all Gday.
Oh, Ggive me the mine where the Cprospectors find
The Ggold in its Down native land;
And the Ghot springs below where the Csick people go
And Gcamp on the Dbanks of the GGrande.
HDome, home on the rGange,
Where the deer and the antelope pDlay,
Where sGeldom is heard a diCscouraging word,
And the Gskies are not Dcloudy all Gday.
Oh, Ggive me the steed and the Cgun that I need
To shoot Ggame for my Down cabin home;
Then Ggive me the camp where the Cfire is the lamp
And the Gwild Rocky DMountains to Groam.
HDome, home on the rGange,
Where the deer and the antelope pDlay,
Where sGeldom is heard a diCscouraging word,
And the Gskies are not Dcloudy all Gday.
Yes, Ggive me the home where the Cprospectors roam
Their Gbusiness is Dalways alive
In these Gwild western hills midst the Cring of the drills
Oh, there Glet me Dlive till I Gdie.
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