CTwinkle, twinkle, Flittle Cstar,
FHow I Cwonder Gwhat you Care!
CUp aFbove the Cworld so Ghigh,
CLike a Fdiamond Cin the Gsky.
CWhen the blazing Fsun is Cgone,
FWhen he Cnothing shGines upCon,
CThen you shoFw your little liGght,
CTwinkle, twiFnkle, all the Gnight.
CThen the trav’ller Fin the daCrk,
FThanks you fCor your tiGny spaCrk,
He cCould not Fsee which Cway to gGo,
CIf you Fdid not tCwinkle Gso.
CIn the dark blue sFky you Ckeep,
FAnd ofCten Gthrough my cuCrtains peep,
CFor Fyou never Cshut your Geye,
CTill the Fsun is Cin the sGky.
C‘Tis your bright and Ftiny spaCrk,
FLights Cthe trGav’ller in the daCrk,
CTho’ I Fknow not Gwhat you Care,
CTwinkle, twinkle, Flittle Cstar.
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